Usually permanent teeth after eruption are meant to last for a lifetime but there are some changes that might make us have to extract teeth to get rid of pain or a problem that might get exacerbated.
Dentists may resolve issues by extracting teeth as a solution to damage that has happened to the tooth or several teeth that cannot be salvaged anymore. The dentist or surgeon will extract the affected tooth, or teeth when the damage to the tooth extends beyond the layers of the teeth thru the enamel and dentine and reaching the nerve and roots rendering the tooth hopeless and not possible to be treated. Extraction is then done to reduce the pain and prevent any further complications.
There are many different reasons for tooth extractions. Different from person to person, the extent of the damage and the possibility of treatment of the teeth. They are a few common problems that result in the tooth becoming hopeless, necessitating extraction and this becomes the only available treatment to alleviate pain and prevents further problems. These include :
Before extraction the dentist will check the medical and dental history of the patient to ensure that there no risks due to any chronic conditions or any prescribed medication that might cause any issues. Several steps are to be taken before extraction, they are,
Extraction depends on the type of existing problem and the state of the tooth that needs to be removed. Despite the notion that extraction is painful, it's actually a painless procedure as the dentist will inject an anesthetic at the area of the affected tooth or block the entire area's sensation in complicated cases.
Surgical extraction is done in complicated cases where the tooth is badly broken and it is submerged in the gums and impacted underneath. The dentist will give a nerve block and make a small opening in the gums to remove the tooth. Sometimes removing a little bone is required as part of the treatment or sectioning the tooth into parts to remove in fragments more easily.
Simple extraction is done when the affected tooth is visible from over the gums. It requires only local anesthetic and then the intended tooth is moved and then loosened using forceps and then pulled out.
After extraction whether simple or surgical, there should be a healing period for a few days and the following should be adhered to promote healing and prevent complications.